Pompano Beach Municipal Services
Fort Lauderdale, FL
SRS was instrumental in guiding and steering city management, facility supervisors, and department heads in an intense assessment and inventory of needed upgrades and improvements, and anticipation of essentials and contingencies for future public work requirements.
Following a population boom after World War II, the City of Pompano merged with a newly formed municipality on the beach and became the City of Pompano Beach. The original municipal services facilities date from the 1950s to the new millennium and currently total 60,989 SF. With ever-increasing population, and real estate, commercial, and tourism growth, City leaders recognized and supported expanding public services, including new construction, staffing, equipment, and other resources to meet public needs, and doubling the amount of space to 111,528 SF.
The team analyzed existing conditions and desirable transformation to meet envisioned future demands regarding public services administration, engineering, fleet maintenance, capital improvements, street maintenance, grounds/park maintenance, building maintenance division, solid waste and recycling, city nursery facilities, animal control, and vehicular parking, servicing, and traffic management.
Major recommendations included 556 parking spaces; new service bays for vehicles large and small; removal of solid waste trailers; demolition and replacement of Central Services, Building Maintenance, and Fleet Maintenance buildings; a new Fueling Island; and new restrooms, break and training rooms, showers and locker areas, kitchens, corridors, and mechanical and electrical rooms. All outdated structures were replaced.