Palm Beach State College: Active Learning Studios
“Handle with care” is the topmost priority of SRS for the design, reimagining, and supervision of the complex transition of 20 outdated college classrooms into cutting-edge 21st century active learning studios.
Barry University Thompson Hall
Rethinking and repurposing Barry University’s Thompson Hall provides a welcoming, versatile, and relevant contemporary setting for student success, campus initiatives, and social activities while acknowledging its historical design.
Broward College Downtown Campus
Contracted since June 2013, SRS has played an integral role in concept development, design, repurposing, and branding as Broward College evolves and expands its multiple facilities at the Downtown Campus.
Kaplan University - Jacksonville Higher Education Center
Although the facility was not intended to meet LEED qualifiers, we integrated efficient lighting, mechanical equipment, green materials, and intelligent sustainable strategies throughout.
Kaplan University - Plantation Global Student Support Center
Acting as liaison, we helped forge a committed and trusting relationship between the City of Plantation and Kaplan University.
Barry University Science Lab
Renovation of existing rooms and under-used office space in the University's Physical Science Department provided an upgraded, enhanced state-of-the-art Chemistry Lab classroom as well as professors' office space and dedicated teaching stations.